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Main Menu - Is There a Dynamic Ether? - Appendix Menu

1. The mass creating the funnel is pulling on the nether which resists because it has inertia. This distends the nether and tends to lessen its density. So radial density, Dr, is proportional to r 1/2 where r is the distance from the center of the attracting mass.
~ means "proportional to".
So: Dr ~ r 1/2.

2. This distension, Sr, of the nether is proportional to 1/r 1/2. It is shown here as:
Sr ~ r -1/2.
This distension is also the instantaneous nether velocity which is shown here as:
v ~ r -1/2.
Please note that Dr must always be proportional to the reciprocal of Sr and v, and Sr and v must always be the same. One cannot happen without the other because all are parts of the same phenomenon.

3. As the nether accelerates toward the center of the attracting mass, it is squeezed into smaller and smaller spherical funnel cross-sections. This causes Dt, the tangential density of the nether, to be increased as the nether is being compressed. The area of a funnel cross-section is proportional to r 2. So Dt must be proportional to 1/r 2 or r -2.
So: Dt ~ r -2.

4. D is the actual nether density which is the product of the Dr and Dt.
D ~ Dr Dt, Dr Dt ~ r 1/2 r -2, r 1/2 r -2 = r -3/2
So: D ~ r -3/2
This density is correct and appears to be the consequence of nether's ability to expand infinitely in one dimension while compressing to the extreme in two other dimensions. Apparently, nether is a non-particulate, frictionless fluid with no structural memory whatsoever.

5. At all levels of the gravity funnel, the product DvA must be the same because the same amount of nether must pass through each level. D is actual nether density at a particular spherical cross-section, v is the instantaneous velocity at that same cross-section, and A is the area of that cross-section. If this product is proportional to r to the zero power, which is one, then Mass equivalence has been satisfied and the same amount of nether is moving through each cross-section.
D ~ r -3/2, v ~ r -1/2, A ~ r 2.
So: DvA ~ r -3/2 r -1/2 r 2 which is r 0 or one.
The Mass equivalence law has been satisfied.

Main Menu - Is There a Dynamic Ether? - Appendix Menu