(Portuguese Translation by Marcelo Moreira Jr.)

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by Lew Paxton Price

Added to the website on October 19, 2005.
Much of what follows was taken from Behind Light's Illusion.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 1005 by Lew Paxton Price
Some it is also found in Introduction to Advanced Ether Theory on this website.

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All the things in the world come from Being.
And Being comes from Non-Being.

                                    Lao Tzu

Myths, fables, and stories passed down to us from antiquity are sources of vital information if they are correctly used.   Often the narrative uses people, animals, or gods that are like people or animals as a means of expressing ideas.   This is done because such narratives are more easily remembered, and memory was very important at a time when writing had not yet been invented.

In my research into ancient civilizations, it became obvious that myths, fables, and stories exist for several reasons.   Some of these reasons are given below.

1.   They are ways of remembering places or things.

2.   They are ways of remembering concepts.

3.   They are ways of recording history in a condensed form.

4.   They are ways of showing complex theories in a condensed and more easily visualized form.

5.   They are ways of doing some of the above, all of the above, or more.

When I was quite a bit younger, I was given a book of the tales of Uncle Remus (the stories of Brer Rabbit).   Kids today are not allowed the privilege of reading that book because some people were so stupid that they thought the book was condescending to black people.   Actually, the book was a collection of fables showing the down-to-earth wisdom of Uncle Remus and his charming, magnificent way of giving it to young folks.   Political correctness has a way of shooting itself in the foot.

Aesop's Fables was another way to do the same kind of thing that the Brer Rabbit stories did.   However, to my knowledge these fables can still be acquired for young people.   The tales of the Australian Aborigines are still available as well.

When I first started doing my own translating of the Book of Genesis in what Christians call the Old Testament, I was using the work of scholars from Lexicons to translate from old Hebrew.   I was also using the number equivalents of the Hebrew glyphs to decode them.   Like many others had done before me, I discovered that the Hebrew version of the Old Testament was actually a time capsule filled with wisdom that cannot be learned in our schools today.   Most people are not really serious about their religion.   If they were, they would be doing their own translating and the Christians and Jews would be discovering the truths that were encoded in the Hebrew.   But most people would rather read the comics in the Sunday paper or watch the football game on television.

One of the things that seems evident to me is that myths of different cultures often have the same root cause.   For instance the Sumerians, the Hebrews, the Hopi Indians, and others all have the myth of the great flood.   Taken as a whole, the myths point to a time before recorded history when there were other civilizations, each falling prey to a natural disaster.   Many of these civilizations were not inferior to our own, and some appear to have found information that we are only beginning to discover.

It appears to me that this theory of dynamic ether was known, accepted, and used at one time in the distant past along with numerous other pearls of wisdom.   When the disaster occurred that destroyed most of the teachers and libraries, the information was passed along as myth so that it could surface and aid the survivors many generations later.

There is one fundamental principle that I found incorporated within the physics of the universe.   The same principle was disclosed by the ancient teachers.   Benoit Mandelbrot and others involved in fractal theory recently discovered it.   Stephen Wolfram in his research with computer programs has also discovered it.   The complex things in the universe are the consequences of very simple things.   If we wish to find the correct answers, we must work back to those simple things, uncovering their consequences, layer by layer, until we arrive at the founding simplicity.

In discovering the consequences of the fundamental principle, we have found that this world, this reality, is probably as much of a reality as there can be, but it is not what is seems.   Things appear to be solid because they are made of molecules which are made of atoms which are made of subatomic pieces, one of which is the electron.   The electron emits things called photons of light that strike our eyes so that we see what appears to be a reality of tangible things.   Particle physicists think of photons as particles that vibrate, but this does not explain everything about them.

There are many kinds of "photons" of electromagnetic energy that range from what appear to be very long waves of radio to very short waves of cosmic radiation.   The octave of visible light is one octave of a spectrum of over 28 octaves.   New octaves in the lower ranges are being discovered, such as the "sound" of a black hole.   If we were to see all of the octaves at once, the sight would be too confusing for us to comprehend, the colors would blend in ways that would be unintelligible, and we would not be able to perceive objects as being solid.   It is only by limiting our sensory apparatus to the octave of visible light that we can see a world that to us is comprehensible and tangible.

Even if we could see all of the octaves of electromagnetic radiation, we would not be able to see atoms, their constituent parts, and the waves of energy that come from them.   Even though we can see by means of energy from photons, we do not see the photons themselves or the waves of which they are actually composed.   If we had a sense that could see atoms, their constituent parts, and photons, we would see a world of "apparent" particles that were so widely separated that so-called solid objects would appear as a very thin fog.

For us to perceive the world we know, our sense of time must be very slow as compared to the time of the atom, its constituent parts, and the energy that comes from them.   When we touch something that we think of as solid, we are merely placing our rapidly-moving subatomic parts near the rapidly-moving subatomic parts of the object we are touching.   It is something like having two rapidly spinning propellors touching one another, but even more esoteric, because it is the energy "fields" of our fingers and the object that are actually touching.   We are beings of energy, and the world is a world of energy.   If the atoms and their constituent parts were to slow down to our level of perception, the objects which they constitute would not give energy enough to remain separate from one another, and we would be in a world that would appear to us as chaos.

Our other senses are also based upon our slowed time sense and the limitations of their mechanisms.   So the world as we perceive it is an illusion, a show that is possible through senses that allow us to be ignorant of reality.   It is much like the illusion of the theater in which the audience is seeing only the lit stage when the acts are being played, as opposed to what goes on behind, around, before, and after each scene.   But we are more than an audience watching a play.   We are the players on the stage, playing our parts in accordance with the apparent dictates of the illusion.

According to very ancient wisdom, there is a Pyramid of Principles which exists in the Plane of the Eternal.   The Plane of the Eternal is not located in any particular time because it has existed forever, and will continue to exist forever.   Furthermore, it has been in every universe that has existed, is in every universe existing now, and will exist in every universe that will exist.   It is a plane meant only to contain the Pyramid of Principles, and these principles are always present everywhere and everywhen.

Some of these principles are the laws, rules, axioms, and postulates which are very fundamental such as one is unity, one plus one is two, zero is the sum of an infinite combination of negative and positive numbers, space has three dimensions, triangles form rigid structures, life is the ordering principle, death is the disordering principle necessary to create more building blocks for life to use, and the sum of everything is nothing.   Others are consequences of the more fundamental principles, such as those relating to chemistry, biology, sociology, or history.

The pyramid is the ordering of the principles, with the most fundamental found near the point, and those which are consequences of many consequences found very far from the point.   The part of the pyramid far from the point is infinite.   The consequential principles continue to abound from those nearer the point and each layer of consequential principles spawns the basis for another layer of consequential principles.   Some of the ancients called this the bottomless pit of knowledge, where one must use more and more rote memory to learn consquences, assuming that the more fundamental principles have not been found.   The trick in mastering the bottomless pit is to move upward to the fundamentals so that reason can be used to move downward rather than simple rote memory.   It would appear that science today relies too much upon rote memory and has failed to move up to the fundamentals which are hidden beneath their consequences.

In a sense, the pyramid is inverted.   The fundamental principle which is the base of all principles is its point and all else follows.   Each higher layer of the pyramid is the foundation for the principles found in the adjacent lower layer.

The pyramid, its principles, and the plane in which they reside do not depend upon anything.   No person or mind need be present to appreciate them.   They are present regardless.   No universe need be present to contain them.   Indeed, universes only demonstrate the existence of the pyramid, its principles, and the plane in which they reside.   However, they are the foundation of all universes.

Some examples of the principles or laws at the top of the pyramid are those of simple mathematics, that of inertia, the inverse square law, the Pythagorean theorem, and its immediate consequences (one of which is time dilation).   Some of the less publicized laws that are very important are discussed below.

One of my classmates, Fred Porter, explained to me the other day that small is better in many ways.   Smaller printed circuits mean that electricity has less distance to travel.   We started with circuits of copper wire which were placed in things like radios (take a look in an antique store at the old Zenith floor models which only used AM) and now we have printed circuits that are smaller than the head of a pin and do more, much faster, with less energy than did the old wire circuits.   Someday, we may have some that work like those of the cells of our own bodies which are probably (due to evolution) the smallest that ever will be possible.   So small means faster, more efficient, with less material used and therefore less expense incurred, and with less space taken that can be used for other things.   This makes for faster computers with more storage space and the ultimate is probably what we already tend to use occasionally, our own brains.

Small is also more durable.   John Campbell, who was once the editor of Analog Science Fiction, Science Fact Magazine, wrote a whole editorial on the strength of biological organisms being a function of cross-sectional area of bones and muscles, while weight is a function of volume.   Area is a squared quantity and volume is a cubed quantity.   So as the an organism increases is size, its strength grows only as the square of its size and its weight grows as the cube of its size.   This means that the organism's strength per weight ratio decreases as its size increases.   In common language, giant ants in this gravity cannot exist, and mice can be dropped from a height of thousand feet without injury while elephants can dropped for six feet and break all four legs.   Also, big animals eat more than small ones do.   Remember that during the planet-wide extinctions, it was the big animals that died off.   Of course, whales do better than elephants because they float in water, and an elephant on the moon would do better because the moon has only about a sixth of the Earth's gravity.

Isaac Asimov told us that we have evolved from single-celled animals that used the ocean as their souce of nourishment and means of waste removal.   The single-celled animal joined other single-celled animals to become a multi-celled organism.   As the multi-celled organisms moved away from the ocean, they took it with them in the form of blood.   In fact, we are still ocean-filled gestalts of single cells, and have two brains which are connected by a biological cable.   We move, think, and react very slowly because we are so big.   Yet, we are quasi-intelligent gestalts and some of us can recognize our limitations.

There is another ancient myth about a No-Thing which was living alone in Eternity.   The No-Thing writhed and changed into different states, yet Its sum was always No Thing (nothing).   Primitive, ignorant, and alone, It experienced almost unendurable boredom.

As Eternity continued, It attempted to end Its agony.   At last, quite by chance, It writhed into a point which grew into a rotating sphere, rapidly expanding, reaching outward, consisting of alternate layers of positiveness and negativeness, each layer a non-particulate fluid, each layer a universe among an infinity of universes.   This was the Word, the Vibration, the Sound, the Tone, the primal Lu, which created the universes.

The universes developed suns, planets, and moons.   Eventually, intelligent life evolved, providing the No-Thing with true thought.   The No-Thing began to learn.   Because It was alone It was One, and when It was divided into the first states of positive and negative, It was two.   Divided into many, It could experience separation and continue to learn from Its own creations, subdivisions of Itself.

While the eternal Lu continues to resound, the universes will continue to be created and the One will continue to learn, as art forms and stories unfold in the universes, each of which operates from fundamental principles which sustain lesser principles to form an automatic wholeness.

From ancient India comes a teaching that Brahma (supreme soul of the universe) breathes the universes into existence.   This Brahma consists of a trinity of deities: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Siva the Destroyer.   The flute is the instrument of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu the Preserver.   This is a way of saying that the universes are preserved through the vibration of a sustained musical note.   Many of the ancient myths and teachings hint of multiple universes formed and sustained from vibration.

There is a teaching, brought down from antiquity, that all is Beingness that is eternal, having no beginning and no end, that which was, is, and always will be.   This Beingness is also known as the No-Thing, yet It is everything.   It is sometimes called the Center of Whirlings.   The universe is composed of Its body and all that is in the universe is made of Its body.   Its body is actually mindstuff, a perfect fluid, which is condensed and separated to become all that we know.   And all that we know is here to perform a dance for Its entertainment, the Dance of Life.

Perhaps, the universe was made by a Creator who was very wise.   This Creator knew that He/She/It could start with some very simple concepts, virtually nothing in materials, and let Eternity continue.   Everything would take care of itself.   Think of it as making the batter for a cake, placing the batter in the oven, and then waiting for it to become a cake.   Perhaps the following myth (a composite of many myths) has some truth in it.

The Creator, called the "Eternal" (a Beingness that was, is, and ever will be) always existed and does exist in eternity, a state of infinite "duration", a dimension in the sense that it was and is an extension in two directions.   One direction is the past, and the other is the future.   The present is merely a point that separates the past from the future, and which moves along this dimension.   With duration was and is the "void", three other dimensions which move with the Eternal along the timeline of eternity.

In the beginning, the Eternal divided the void (the nothingness) into two fluids, one positive and the other negative, separated by a very small length of the timeline along the dimension of eternity.   The separation along the timeline of eternity was not enough to contain their sudden existence in a concentrated form, so that as these two fluids began to expand from two points separated by time, parts of them touched.

Where the fluids touched, nothingness was created from their positiveness and negativeness, and holes were formed in the universes that they were to become.   Inertia is simply the state of doing what something is doing until it is disturbed by something else, and inertia is the reason that vortices form when fluid turns abruptly into a hole to adopt a new course for its movement.   Thus, the two fluids, each with its inertia, formed vortices, allowing some of the constituent fluid moving into the holes to use centrifugal force and thus keep the holes open.   The vortices that continued to exist had inflow with radial and tangential vectors.

In the beginning there was chaos.   The holes that did not stay open were transformed into multiplicities of waves within the fluid, and some of these waves formed other holes with some durable vortices.   Some of the vortices reacted with one another to form atoms and were then torn asunder by the waves to become separate vortices again and more waves.   With the passage of time, the fluid expanded into the void sufficiently to allow the vortices to create order.   In the ordered universe which followed, the inflow itself (the resultant of the two vectors) was "charge".   The radial vector of inflow was "micro-gravity" and, with concentrations of vortices, "gravity".   The tangential vector of inflow for certain vortices, when the vortices vibrated, became "light".   Our concept of "time" was born because order allowed regular movement with which to measure it.

As eternity continued and more time passed, our universe as we know it was formed, with continued accelerating expansion caused by the pressure of the constituent fluid opposed to that of the empty space into which it expanded.   Beings began to evolve who would perceive their universe as the only universe, and who would accept other very strange conceits in their ignorance.

As time passed, these beings developed a primitive science, calling the rate of the constituent fluid moving into the holes "mass";   the state of motion within space "rest", "uniform motion", or "velocity";   change from rest or uniform motion "acceleration";   the product of mass and acceleration "force";   the product of force and distance moved by the force "energy";   energy divided by time "power";   the constituent fluid "ether";   the separation of space into segments of dimensions "volume";   the natural tendency of the constituent fluid to resist force "inertia";   and many other concepts by the names we now use.   The many names with their often untrue connotations began masking the simple reality behind existence.   Just as is the case with fractal math, the simple was eclipsed by its consequences in the Pyramid of Principles to provide a riddle.

Perhaps the riddle posed is another means of causing us to act on our stage so that we continually create our part of the Dance of Life and thus entertain the Creator.

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