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Einstein's Relativity

Found in an older reference work is the first "principle" of Einstein's special relativity.
(1) The principle of relativity - the laws of physics are the same whether they are stated in terms of one Galilean system of coordinates or of another moving with constant velocity with respect to it.

Found in a modern, up-to-date, physics text is the first "postulate" of Einstein's special relativity.
1.   The Relativity Postulate: The laws of physics are the same for all observers in all inertial reference frames. No frame is preferred.

Found in an older reference work is the second "principle" of Einstein's special relativity.
(2) The principle of constant light velocity - the velocity of light is a constant independent of its source and of the Galilean system with respect to which it is measured.

Found in a modern, up-to-date, physics text is the second "postulate" of Einstein's special relativity.
2.   The Speed of Light Postulate: The speed of light in a vacuum has the same value, c, in all directions and in all inertial reference frames.

According to Einstein's autobiographical notes published in both German and English when Einstein was 67 years old, he had been influenced by Maxwell's work to develop his special theory of relativity. Both before and after the publication of both theories of relativity, Einstein was working on a means to show light as being a wave form moving through a medium that was found throughout the universe. Einstein apparently never believed that light was either transmitted by any particulate means or that light was a duality.

In his special theory, he solved the void left by a lack of a good theory for light transmission by using the known evidence of its velocity being a constant in space independent of its source. Because his first principle of relativity stated that the laws of physics are the same everywhere, he postulated that the velocity of light is also independent of the Galilean system with which it was measured. This was tantamount to saying that light is a wave form because only waves had been known to move at a constant velocity independently of the source or of any observer in any reference frame.

In developing relativity, Einstein used only the most trusted empirical evidence prior to that time (prior to 1905 for the special theory and prior to 1915 for the general theory). That he was able to accomplish so much with so little is truly astounding. He later proposed that there should be a unified field theory and he was working on one. Had the insight occurred to him of the electron as a vortex, he would probably have succeeded at a pace that could not be matched by anyone anytime anywhere.

Consequences of Relativity

Einstein realized the limits of special relativity and went on to develop general relativity. By the time he had finished, he had shown how the Lorentz factor operated upon time, mass, and length according to velocity. He had shown that gravity slowed lightspeed when light was moving outward from a gravitating body. He had shown that light is bent to create gravity lensing. He had shown that the perigees of orbiting bodies are affected so that they advance with time. He had shown that gravity affects time. This was shown through a very complex mathematical framework.

Nether Theory

Perhaps it is best to say first that nether theory was developed without even thinking of postulates because I/we were raised with Einstein's relativity and simply accepted his postulates or principles as fact. Therefore, the first postulate for nether theory would be the same as Einstein's first postulate in special relativity.

1.   The same laws of physics apply throughout our universe.

The other postulates, based upon the empirical evidence now available, would probably best be stated:

2.   There is one eternal frame within which this universe exists. This frame is composed of three dimensions of space and moves along a single dimension of time.

3.   All things and concepts continue to remain as they are unless acted upon by some other thing or concept. This has been called inertia. It is not an active quality but simply the tendency to resist change.

4.   The entire universe is composed of one perfect fluid.

5.   Imbalances within this fluid create all the phenomena found within the universe, which includes all forms of matter and energy.

Consequences of Nether Theory

Nether theory explains the laws found in relativity in a very concise fashion backed up by visual imagery and mathematics. The visual imagery is not by analogy - it is literal and the basis for the mathematics which show that it is valid. In like fashion, it explains matter, anti-matter, gravity, magnetism, light, subatomic "particles", the accelerating expansion of the universe, black holes, and the other phenomena known to date.

Nether theory is not counter to relativity. It might be called the next step in relativity because it shows the details of how and why relativity works and then goes beyond relativity. It is what general relativity would have been had Einstein understood one more thing. Whereas Einstein was forced to produce a lot of math to detour around the areas of knowledge lacking in his time, we were able to take a direct route to the same information and derive the same math with considerably fewer steps and much less effort.

Particle Physics and Nether

Today, more and more "particles" are being discovered. All of them (and they number in the hundreds) are very temporary as compared to the electron, the proton, and the neutron. In nether theory these are all vortices. The stable ones have achieved a balance. The unstable ones are without sufficient balance to exist for very long. The process of "splashing" these unstable "particles" into existence is analogous to a child throwing rocks into a pond to see how many sizes and shapes of drops he can temporarily create.

The ultimate that might be achieved by particle physics is to find the tiniest of tiny particles. The smallest possible particle would one that is almost dimensionless. An accumulation of these would be a perfect fluid, one which is actually non-particulate. This is what nether seems to be.

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